Look, Perspective

I don’t believe in God. I still don’t, no.
But let me tell you, man. Sometimes? Sometimes, I wonder.
I am finding it increasingly difficult to have a negative outlook on, well, anything.
The businesses I built closed down, and I lost my job. I earned big-big money, had a company car, and full autonomy.
During my three week notice, I first started looking for jobs as a waiter – maybe front of house manager. I was convinced that I would be relegated to an entry level position. Restaurants don’t let go of senior staff readily. We know.
Remember when I went from buying a restaurant to being a sales rep?
My last day was to be March 5th, 2022. On the evening of March 4th, I sat across a man in IT.
He said words to me I’ll never forget.
“I have wanted to hire you for the longest time.”
I started on the 7th.
No worries, right?
In August 2021, I signed an offer to purchase on a house. In January 2022, I was released from my contract. ABSA, as the executor, wasn’t being very helpful.
Pretty good thing, considering I lost my big-big money job, right?
I discovered minor damage to my third favourite tooth. Have you seen my teeth?
Well, now I’ve quit smoking and soda. I probably traded a tooth for not getting cancer – given my wonderful tendency to grow tumours.
I’d been smoking for 17 years and quit instantly.
Don’t fuck with my teeth.
I’d attach a link to my tumour, but thanks to a smash-and-grab, I don’t have my driver’s, or cellphone gallery of 3 years.
I had misplaced my ID in 2020, and thereafter used my driver’s as identification.
Guess what?
Screenshot 2022-03-15 204318
It’s seriously getting harder to be all woe-is-me.
Also in that time, I took on my ex for work. Unfortunately, I took him on for personal too.
He gloriously let the business down, and he tried to kill us in his painful rage.
Did I mention that I’m tumour-free?
If it wasn’t clear.
Don’t mess with my work, man.
Now, I like men that don’t hit me. In fact, they barely touch me at all.
It’s funny. Laugh.
I am just so damn happy.

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